• 從科學角度了解發聲原理,有別於一般抽象教學
  • 學習傳統意大利美聲唱法
  • 正確的發聲法、呼吸法及共鳴概念
  • 著重聲帶健康地發展
  • 糾正學生常見之發聲毛病
  • 不同聲區之運用
  • 擴闊音域
  • 學習中西藝術歌、歌劇、音樂劇等
  • 不同樂種之演繹方式及演唱技巧
  • 因材施教 ,針對學生不同的需要,重點式教學
  • 保送英國皇家音樂學院及聖三一音樂學院各級考試
  • 鼓勵學生多參與公開比賽 ,以汲取寶貴的演出經驗
  • 加強與家長間之溝通 ,使家長更了解學生之學習進度


  • 對唱歌有濃厚興趣者
  • 六歲以上小童
  • 成年人
  • 有聲帶問題,例如:聲沙、經常喉嚨痛
  • 工作上需要長期用聲
  • 參與教會事奉 (詩班)
  • 參加校際音樂節
  • 參加專業音樂考試 ,如英國皇家音樂學院聲樂試等

82 Responses

  1. I do pop singing and would like to learn Bel Canto and musical etc, please send fee schedule and course details etc. Many thanks!

  2. Dear Miss Lee


  3. Hi I learned pop singing before but I want to learn the classical one as well. May I know the details for the course?

  4. 想問小朋友10歲,男仔,想學唱歌/聲樂,學費多少? 上課地點/時間,假日可上課嗎?

  5. 你好,夲人有興趣學美聲唱歌,可否告知詳細情況,如收費,時間,地點….!


  6. 你好,

  7. Hi,
    I want to send my daughter to learn singing,she is 12 years old,I just want to know the school schedule and the school fee.


  8. 你好,請問聲樂課程的學費是多少?

  9. Ms Lee, 您好!


  10. 本人在職,曾學過樂器,想問一下聲樂包唔包練耳訓練?

  11. hi, I am interested in vocal training. I would like to know the course fees, venue and the details. Thanks.

  12. I am interested in taking the course. Can you send me information on the availale time and tuition fee? Thanks

  13. Hi, my girl is 7+ and interested in singing. Would you please send me detail information and fee of the Vocal Training Course in Jordan? Thanks!

  14. Hi. I am not sure if I have misunderstood the courses you are providing… I am looking for a G8 Aural Training. Thank you.

  15. Greetings from Candy. It would be great if you could tell me the details of Grade 8 Aural Training. My questions are how long and how much does your course usually take and cost? What time could you provide? Please contact through email. Thank you very much.

  16. 你好,想知道學美聲課程的詳情,如價錢、上課時間和報名方法;

  17. My daughter has joined choir for a short time. She is now 13 and would like to learn to sing properly. May I know the fee and whether there is any course she may join ?

  18. Hi,

    My son is interested in singing. Would you please send me some informations about your private class and group class. Thank you!

    Miss Wong

  19. I am really interested in vocal singing. Would like to know more about the class fee (both individual and group), venue, time and also the course content.

  20. I would like learn the vocal. If there is any vocal class for beginner?
    Moreover, would the class syllabus for public exam?
    Would you please sent me about the class information. Fee and the class table?
    I havn’t singing training before so want to have trial lesson first.

    I am looking forward for your reply. Thanks.

  21. my 10yrs son would like to join the vocal class, please send me the details for both in group and one to one class. thankssssssssssssssssssssssss

  22. Hi! I’m 14 years old. I am very interested in vocal singing. Could you let me know more about the detail of the couse? Thank you:))

  23. 本人今年23歲, 參加了教會詩班的事奉幾年, 我們詩班十分希望統一用美聲唱法, 但女生中卻沒有人領略而學不會, 男生就幾位就學會了, 請問如果想學美聲唱法, 收費是多少? 學習目標是高音能夠圓潤, 用真聲發音, 不會尖.

  24. I am interested in knowing more about the course for adult, eg. duration per class and fee etc.


  25. Hello~ I’m an adult. I’d like to know more details like course fee, time, class size of the singing classes. Thank you =)

  26. My daughter would like to join your vocal class. Would you please let me know more details about the course fee and time for both one-on-one class and group class, tks!

  27. Hello I’m interested in learning singing. Could you let me know the details of the singing course you offer? Many thanks!

  28. Hi, I’m interested in vocal singing, may I have more details on it? such as how much for both one-on-one & class in group, duration of the class, venue, averagely how long did it take for your students to grab a Grade 8?
    I’ve been studying piano for many years, does that help?
    Many thanks, Manddy

  29. I want to have one on one vocal class
    Could you tell me more about the details such as course fee, venue and time. The email address above is incorrect …please refer to this ammended one thank you ~

  30. I want to have one on one vocal class
    could you please tell me more about the details such as course fee, venue and time thank you !

  31. Hello Ms Lee. I am an adult and I am interested in vocal singing. May I have the course details like the time duration and charges of the course please? thanks!

  32. I love singing but did not have the opportunity to receive training when I was young. I would like to know more about your singing course. I am particularly interested in classical choral music.

  33. I love singing but did not have the opportunity to receive training when I was young. I sang in a few choirs as tenor before but I know I am not good enough. I would like to learn singing seriously. May I obtain more information about your singing courses? My main interest is classical choral music.

  34. 你好, 本人欲查詢有關成人聲樂課程的資料, 例如:上課時間, 地點, 學費, 授課形式….

  35. 你好,我今年14歲,在歌詠團唱soprano,想查詢聲樂課程的價錢和上課地點 thank you

  36. 您好,本人對古典聲樂甚感興趣,想查詢有關成人聲樂課程的上課時間、地點及費用。

  37. 我是一位聲樂初學者,目前最大問題是「喉嚨聲」,對於正確發聲法,是明但卻做不到,而且最近感到心理上對唱歌感到很大壓力,愈在意想避免,就愈發出「喉嚨聲」。

  38. 你好, 本人現今17歲, 有在合唱團唱TENOR, 想查詢美聲班的上課地點, 時間, 及價錢

  39. 你好, 本人對古典聲樂有濃厚興趣, 想學習這方面的知識。想查詢成人聲樂課程的上課時間, 上課地點和收費資料?


  40. Hi, I am Iris.
    I am an adult and would like to learn beautiful singing.
    How can I have more information about course details, like date and time and course fee, etc?
    Please advise.

    1. I am over 50 years old, and my sound and breath is weak, and want to learn better way of breathing and singing to improve my sound! Please help!

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